"In questions of power, let us hear no more of trust in men, but rather bind them down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Don't fear Liberty.
"In questions of power, let us hear no more of trust in men, but rather bind them down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution."
- Thomas Jefferson
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If you are over age 64 and you want the H1N1 flu vaccine (swine flu) forget it! Even if you meet the criteria set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) you will not be allowed to get the vaccine. I know, today I was refused a shot. This development has great significance for everyone over 64 and especially transplant patients with compromised immune systems.First of all IF this is indeed, a REGULATION, someone please point me to it by regulation number.
"the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that CDC and immunization programs focus on getting the first doses of 2009 H1N1 vaccine to those people who are more likely to get infected with the 2009 H1N1 flu virus"Neither the word "regulation" nor "law" appears anywhere on those two pages!
This is True® by Randy Cassingham Stories from My Archives ©1994-2025 |
I Wonder Where He Learned This? |