The Times Online
recently reported that Iran is running short of the yellow cake uranium it needs to produce a nuclear weapon.
I'm certainly no expert on nuclear non-proliferation, but I think it's a no-brainer that (if they haven't already) civilized countries should
quickly look into forming a consortium that will promise to widely beat any price that rogue nations might offer for their uranium ore.
Sure, this will lead to lots of collusion and price gouging, but
so what?!
If it prevents the bad guys from getting the hot stuff, the better off we'll all be.
Naturally, richer countries (like
US) will shoulder a bigger burden in this enterprise, but don't we
But the more we pay, the more we get, and that means less is left for our rivals and enemies - even the undeclared ones!
Would somebody with access please fax this idea to Hillary?I say fax, not e-mail, because a tangible piece of paper is a little harder to ignore, and I suggest sending it to Hillary because of her position, because she
needs an idea like this, and she is just the right person to present it to His Holiness O!bama!