Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Top Shot Season 2 - A little advice: Fix the logo!

I really enjoyed season one of Top Shot and appreciated the positive focus on firearms for fun and sport.

For example, I really appreciated how Colby called the HK93 a "sporting rifle", instead of an "assault rifle".

But they need to fix the danged logo, which was obviously designed by a non-gunner.

The logo shows an entire cartridge flying, but of course they don't do that...

Only the bullet should be flying!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Win 1,000 rounds of .380 ammo (or a gift card of equal value)

Win 1,000 rounds of .380 ammo (or a gift card of equal value)

For details on the contest, see The Firearm Blog and for details on the ammo, see LuckyGunner.com.

Hurry! The contest ends when July does!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Holocaust survivor and kin dance where Shoah took place (I Will Survive)

Just reading the description, I immediately recognized the significance of this act, and I was in tears from the moment it started:
On a recent trip to Europe, a family of three generations (a Holocaust survivor, his daughter and his grandchildren) dance to Gloria Gaynor's pop song - 'I Will Survive' at concentration camps and memorials throughout Europe.

This clip was first edited with the help of my friend Pisithpong Siraphisit who runs Compeung Art Village, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This dance is a tribute to the tenacity of the human spirit and a celebration of life.

Despite the systematic brutality and cruelty endured, we have still survived.
For a survivor and two of his next generations to dance at places where the Shoah took place is not a disrespect to the victims, instead it is an affirmation of life and survival that truly honors them and further denigrates the perpetrators.

And I'm very glad the creators of this video captured the survivor's voice on it.

Bravo! I saved this to my PC before it got removed again. It will live on.

Even though I have downloaded it to my PC, see it here before it's taken down due to the copyright violation:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Al-Shabab's first attack outside of Somalia? Could it spell their doom?

Bombs strike World Cup watchers in Uganda, kill 64

"If Kaihura's suspicions that al-Shabab was responsible for the Uganda bombings prove true, it would be the first time the group has carried out attacks outside of Somalia." (emphasis added)
If so, it's an interesting move by the jihadis... hopefully it will prove to be a fatal choice.

Kenya is a significantly stronger country than Ethiopia, so maybe they can finish the job Ethiopia started a few years back.

Think back to Tanzania's crushing of Idi Amin's regime after he stirred up trouble for several of his neighbors.

Let's hope Kenya will smash Al-Shabab...


UPDATE: Kenyan forces, al Shabaab rebels clash on border


UPDATE 2: "US Warns sports fans in Kenya about possible terrorist attacks"

I told ya so! Kenya - Be ready and pounce HARD if the Jihadis hit there!!

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is that an asteroid?

We took this in the fall of 2009 at Dinosaur World amusement park in Kentucky.

The Obama Doctrine t-shirt


Get one for your next TEA party protest, 4th of July picnic, trip to the shooting range, or visit to a government office.

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tags: THE OBAMA DOCTRINE 1. BLATHER 2. WINCE 3. RETREAT t-shirt tee shirt conservative TEA party activist protest anti-Obama pro-military

Monday, May 10, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Take a Liberal Shooting (No Cheney jokes, please!)

I've long advocated that experienced and diplomatic members of gun clubs and conservation clubs, etc., should invite influential liberals and moderates in their community (including journalists, and politicians) to the range for a day of safe, responsible informative fun.

Follow the safety rules to the letter, no "big talk" (like "blowing away" targets, etc.), relate a touching family anecdote that involves firearms, work your way up from a .22LR through larger calibers, and don't pull any "surprises" or tricks (hot loads, unduly large calbers, ietc.) for a laugh.

Knowledge dispels ignorance, which is often the basis for fear.


Monday, February 8, 2010

John Murtha's "Greatest Hits" (or Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) finally leaves Congress)

Glenn Beck's report John Murtha:

Here's Murtha on the Haditha incident, talking as if he knew what happened:

And here he calls his own constituents rascists & rednecks:

I'm not a supporter of term limits, but this guy sure made a compelling case for them.

Pennsylvania, try again. You (and we) deserve better.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Randy would have been 53 today...

R.I.P. - Randy Miller - February 4, 1957 - November 8, 2008
(click here or on photo for more pictures)

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Kids endangered by toy gun safety!

Since there have been no reports of injuries, I don't feel bad about pointing out the irony of this.

9,600 toy guns from Dollar General have been recalled because the orange safety tip can come off and pose a choking hazard.

Adding to the irony is that the toy gun models are ones patterned after Special Forces and police models.

David Codrea reminds us, many hoplophobes and gun-haters think that the police and military are "the only ones" who should have guns. How's that working out, anyway...?

For the sake of safety, the entire recall is reproduced below:

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs
Washington, DC 20207

February 3, 2010
Release # 10-132

Firm's Recall Hotline: (800) 678-9258
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908

Dollar General Recalls Toy Guns Due to Choking Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation
with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following
consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately
unless otherwise instructed.

Name of Product: Special Forces and Police SWAT Toy Gun Sets

Units: About 9,600

Retailer: Dollar General, of Goodlettsville, Tenn.

Importer: Dolgencorp LLC, of Goodlettsville, Tenn.

Hazard: The orange tips located at the end of the toy guns' barrels, which are
designed to distinguish them from real guns, can easily be removed from the
barrels, posing a choking hazard to children.

Incidents/Injuries: None reported.

Description: This recall includes a Special Forces Weapons and Accessories Set
and a SWAT Police Play Equipment Set. Each set includes two toy guns and related
accessories. The number 48JQH09 is printed on the right side of the larger gun
included in the recalled sets.

Sold at: Dollar General stores in 35 states from September 2009 through October
2009 for about $5.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled toy guns away from
children and return them to any Dollar General for a full refund or a
replacement product.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Dollar General Corp. at
(800) 678-9258 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the
firm's Web site at www.dollargeneral.com

To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including pictures of the recalled
products, please go to:

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Video: Strike of the Sword: A Marine's Video Diary, Parts 1 and 2

Seeing this made me think of something else one could add to their care package for soldiers: Scotch Magic tape.

I'm not endorsing a brand for the sake of the brand, but you can easily write over this tape, whereas with regular "cellophane" tape, you cannot.

Imagine how a few rolls of Magic tape would help Cpl. Hausmann keep his diary in shape.

And imagine how it feels when a precious photo or letter gets torn over there.

Something else they really love - Ziplocs or other sealing plastic bags of all sizes. You can imagine how useful those are!

Send 'em a little magic! See AnySolider.com to help them out.

(hat tip to Theo Spark)

See part two at Theo's place.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scott Brown: RINO on gun control, RomneyCare...

It’s nice to know that he’s gonna block at least part of Barack’s agenda, but the guy’s a RINO!

Not only did he support RomneyCare, but look at this from OnTheIssues.org:
Rep. Brown indicated he supports the following principles concerning gun issues:
  • Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.

  • Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.

  • Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
  • Require a license for gun possession.
  • YIKES! What is he - from Massachusetts or something?!


    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    Gun Porn Warning Logo

    In a recent YouTube comment, tnoutdoors9 said someone should create a gun porn warning logo.

    I took a stab at it... feel free to link to your creations in the comments.

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    Saturday, January 23, 2010

    Jake 1996 - 2010. Good boy, Jake. Rest in peace, boy.

    Jake RIP 1996 - 2010
    We lost our black Labrador Retriever "Jake" late Friday / early Saturday January 16, 2010. He was almost 14.

    Ever since he died, the song "Feed Jake" will not leave my mind.

    I always seem to give several nicknames to an animal...

    Dad usually called him "Jake the Snake" or just "Snake", so I called him that and "Snake Boy" (sort of after "Lobster Boy" - I dunno why).

    I also called him "Sneaky Snake" after the Tom T. Hall song.

    When my wife Jackie would mow the grass, he would hide out in the grass watching her until she got close, then move to another spot. For that I called him "Snake in the Grass".

    Once in a while we called him "Seal Boy" because of the way he would whine and bark like a seal. We had heard about a lab that got rescued from a fire and when the fireman first heard it, he thought it was a pet seal.

    Jake yelped and whined just like a little puppy when his mommy would come home. He loved his mommy more than anything, and I was happy to take second place to him. I think I'm lucky he didn't have thumbs!

    But more than anything, I called him "my old buddy", and he was indeed that.

    We made this short video of him when we took him to Mounds State Park last year. He liked it out there.

    We dearly loved him and we miss him. He was a great companion.

    Good boy, Jake. Rest in peace, boy.

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    Background on Glenn Beck's "Revolutionary Holocaust" documentary

    If you missed Glenn Beck's documentary "Revolutionary Holocaust", I highly recommend that you watch it here or below.

    Then be sure to see the documentary on which Glenn relied heavily in making his. It's called "The Soviet Story".

    Even as big a buff of World War 2 and the Cold War as I am, I was blown away by it.

    For example, its exposé of George Bernard Shaw as a supporter of Stalin, Hitler, and eugenics was stunning.

    But it is backed up with old video of Shaw asking societal "parasites" to "kindly justify your existence".

    And it ties Hitler to Marx even tighter than I had known.

    Wow.... Just. Wow.

    These two documentaries together constitute a damning indictment of Socialism and Progressivism.

    may be remembered as the point in history when the "Beck Bomb" was dropped on the Left.

    We can hope....

    You can see "The Soviet Story" online
    here or below.


    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    “US has to break with its superpower arrogance” – Bill Ayers

    Bill Ayers recently spoke with Russian TV network RT (formerly Russia Today). *sigh*
    Published 11 January, 2010, 09:25

    Edited 13 January, 2010, 09:55

    The US should give up its superpower ambitions and put itself on equal footing with other nations – otherwise, it will find itself at an impasse, believes American scholar Bill Ayers.

    “The arrogance of shouting your opinion and unwillingness to hear anything in response is something that puts us in a parallel situation. It means we can’t grow, we can’t change,” he told RT.

    “It has already created problems for the US and they are getting bigger. I think what we need is to break from that tradition of American foreign policy of the last sixty years or longer and really imagine ourselves entering into the world as a nation among nations – not as a superpower, not as police of the world. We need to enter into the conversation with respect – for ourselves, but also respect for others.”

    Professor Ayers also responded to the criticism from talk show host Bill O’Reilly, who mocked his recent interview with RT.

    “Bill O’Reilly is apparently unhappy about me, unhappy that I had something to say but he did not say anything about the content what I have said. That interview that we did had a lot of content. One of the things we talked about how a country like the United States with less than five per cent of the world’s population can kind of police the world and have a trillion dollar military budget,” Ayers said.

    “So the media ought to have taken that content – not trying to scream or yell or make slogans about who’s saying what. But this is what Bill O’Reilly specializes in,” he added.
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    Friday, January 15, 2010

    Krauthammer: The Fall of Obama

    The crux:
    Obama did not just act, however. He acted ideologically. To his credit, Obama didn't just come to Washington to be someone. Like Reagan, he came to Washington to do something -- to introduce a powerful social democratic stream into America's deeply and historically individualist polity.

    Perhaps Obama thought he'd been sent to the White House to do just that. If so, he vastly over-read his mandate. His own electoral success -- twinned with handy victories and large majorities in both houses of Congress -- was a referendum on his predecessor's governance and the post-Lehman financial collapse. It was not an endorsement of European-style social democracy.

    Hence the resistance. Hence the fall. The system may not always work, but it does take its revenge.
    Read it all here.

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    Gun Owners of America Ready to File Lawsuit in Massachusetts Race

    Press release

    GOA Ready to File Lawsuit in Massachusetts Race

    Gun Owners of America News Release
    For Immediate Release
    Contact: Larry Pratt

    Friday, January 15, 2009

    SPRINGFIELD, VA -- The Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, a grassroots lobby with over 300,000 members, has instructed his attorneys to prepare for a lawsuit to force the Senate to seat Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown immediately should he, as seems increasingly likely, succeed in his January 19th bid for the Senate seat previously held by Ted Kennedy.

    Recent polls showing Brown pulling even with anti-gun zealot Martha Coakley have led to threats by current placeholder Paul Kirk and Democratic operatives to block the will of the people of Massachusetts until the Senate has adopted the ObamaCare bill.

    “The Senate has finally descended to a moral cesspool which would embarrass a Third World despot,” said Pratt. “But, if necessary, the Gun Owners Foundation will move to ensure that gun owners in Massachusetts and across the country are not victimized by this extreme exercise in vote fraud.”

    Pratt has asked attorneys to examine 42 U.S.C. 1983 -– a civil rights statute which prohibits the denial of constitutional rights “under color of law.” Federal racketeering laws and other federal statutes are also on the table, said Pratt.


    Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. GOA is located at 8001 Forbes Place, Springfield, VA 22151 and at http://www.gunowners.org on the web.

    Either Larry Pratt or another GOA spokesman is available for press interviews.

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    Tuesday, January 5, 2010

    FBI Shoe Bomb Explosion Video

    FBI video of a successful detonation of a "shoe bomb" similar to the one worn by Richard Reid and more recently by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

    Hat tip to Random Acts of Patriotism.
